Friday, July 04, 2008
4th of July Parade
Sorry, Popi, that's actually the name of it.

It's in a little village up the road. Emma walked in it two years ago. It's like an Easter parade. Kids dress up in their patriotic finery and walk, ride their bike, or ride their motorized vehicle down main street in the village. The parade ends up at a little book bank where they serve ice cream and cookies.

I love attending the event because I see all my neighbors and everyone is always in such a festive mood. The adults are so appreciative of the kids participating. It's just a small town warm fuzzy all over.

They're waiting to line up. Emma isn't so pleased with all the loud motorized vehicles swarming around, or at her mother taking pictures.

Here comes the parade...

and here comes Emma and Daddy.

It's a very short walk, maybe a quarter of a mile. Emma and M are watching the rest of the parade.

Look! A horse!

Yep, there he is again!

People are swarming the book bank for their dairy treat.

We skipped the treats and headed back up the hill for the car. Our treats will come later today. As a matter of fact I bribed Emma away from there with the promise of making chocolate chip cookies and homemade ice cream later. There's much more in store today...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
45 degrees
That was the outside temperature when we woke up this morning. Seriously.
Emma refuses to wear sandals without socks.

And she insists on wearing panties under her bathing suit.

Otherwise I think she's a pretty normal kid.

I think the sock thing is because of that day she went barefoot in crocs and got a blister.

And I think Emma has it in her head that if she wears panties under her bathing suit she won't have to pee in the pool.

Oh, and never tell her she's barefoot. She gets really pissed at being called a bear.
Emma rode her tricycle down to the thrift shop to check out the latest collection of toys for sale on the front porch. It looks like there are some fun things this time.

Uncle B's pics
He took these with my camera in the observation tower when we were out near Dulles. I think he now appreciates the virtue of a camera that takes a picture when you press the button, and not two seconds later.

Taking care of Noni
On the trip home from Maryland a few weeks ago Noni sat in the backseat of the car with Emma. Eventually she put her head on Emma's lap and they talked for a while. Emma would pat Noni and reassure her that she wasn't uncomfortable. It was very cute.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Some of M's photos
He was playing with the telephoto lens. He has a good eye and a lot more patience than I do. I like to do the post-production work for him ;)

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sad news
We gave up on the eggs in the nest in our grill. It had been weeks since we'd seen the momma bird and it's been way too long since she laid those eggs. Our best guess is that the eggs overheated in the black metal grill. We had a scorching week several weeks ago and we're guessing that might have done them in. Today M took the nest out and cleaned his grill for use again.
Some pool pictures
From Thursday evening. Emma swimming with her buddy Elmo. He's back in vogue now that she's into Sesame Street.

"Mommy! Watch me put my head under water!"

Watching the sunset.

I think she likes her pool. They're in it literally every day when there's no thunder.