You can tell my child has no concept of what being hit means. If you brush past her or nudge her along when she's being slow she'll say accusingly, "Don't hit me!" You can barely touch her and she'll accuse you. It's not just me, she's done it to Noni, Popi and M too. She really gets indignant if she thinks she's been "hit."
don't hit her. I don't believe in it and I don't want to do it. But I joked to Popi last week that you can tell we don't abuse her because she has no idea what being hit really is. Besides, she'd probably die of mortification if you did hit her.
That being, the moon.
She was so bad. I took her to the library after work and she would not stop talking and talking loudly. I kept tell her to talk quietly, use your indoor voice, stop talking, anything to get her to pipe down. I don't know what was wrong with her because we've been to the library plenty of times and she was fine. She kept making loud demands that were impossible to meet. She wanted the whole children's section to herself. There were people there. Make them go away. Hello?
Then when her demands weren't met she escalated. Unfortunately I had all this stuff pulled out and needed to put it away before we could leave. Meanwhile she's worked herself into a crying, screaming fit because she doesn't want to leave. Like throwing herself on the floor fit. I wanted to just drop it all and leave but I couldn't. When I finally was able to go she was screaming and crying the whole way. As we were passing by the computer station which was fully occupied (of course) she stopped and tried to make a stand. I nudged her along and she threw herself on the floor and right there in front of everyone screamed "Don't hit me!"
I'm sitting here half expecting to hear from CPS. It didn't get much better after that. She threw herself down on the ground at least four more times on the way to the car. I finally had to pick her up like a sack of taters and strap her in her carseat.
She hasn't thrown an epic fit like that since the beginning of summer. It's such a joy to endure one in a library, I can tell you that for sure.