After four days of rain the water finally got high enough to rise in the culvert under the driveway. We had been at drought conditions so it took a lot of rain to get there. We've had over six inches in four days. This means we had a creek where there usually isn't one. Of course I had to take Emma to see it. She loved it. Wawa! Wawa! We start with the usual view looking quite unusual...
Here's the water flowing away from the culvert...
Here it is above the culvert...
Emma is so excited about all the wawa...
Even the little puddle...
And like all puddles it was just asking for a good stompin'
We threw the stick for Beakey into the water. Labs are water dogs so he was in heaven too. Emma and I threw rocks into the water and she thought that was a hoot. Beaker splashed her a good one and soaked her pants. She freaked out and we had to take them off then and there. Her shoes were saturated and her shirt front was muddy from collecting rocks against her chest. Just a great kid-playing adventure.