Saturday, March 08, 2008
Festival day
OK, so I blew off work today to hang out with my family. But I gave them my nephew in my place and he was happy as a clam. We started with a pancake breakfast and then hit the crafts. On our way up to store a torrential downpour hit and scared away many festival-goers. After that the cold front and wind came in. BRRRRR. The fellows hit several of the food stands to sample the different offerings. We hit a few more craft s and then gave it up. The wind and bitter cold got to be too much.

We're at pancake breakfast and they're eating...ham biscuits.

Little M, the birthday girl, is modeling her new Hannah Montana hat.

Emma bummed a ride with Popi.

My brother finally got to see his brick at the veterans memorial.

Noni and Emma are trying to take shelter from the brutal wind.

Friday, March 07, 2008
Here we go again...
It's festival time again. That means two consecutive working weekends for us, in addition to our regular work schedule. Everything is pretty much ready. The house is somewhat presentable, the store is stocked. M is taking a bath right now before he goes back in to work for last minute preparations. He told me I might need to come in and wake him up if he's quiet in the tub too long. A bath is a rare treat for him, but apparently very therapeutic. He probably won't even head in the store till 10:30 p.m. and I'll be dead asleep when he gets home. These two weekends are very important to us because the money we'll make from the festival-goers sustains us through the winter.

The weather tomorrow looks pretty crappy, which is unfortunate because that's when the family is coming over to enjoy the festival. Latest forecast is for:

Rain...mixing with snow and becoming windy in the afternoon. High 39F. SW winds at 10 to 15 mph, increasing to 20 to 30 mph. Chance of precip 90%. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

It makes me pity the outdoor vendors. Winds in this area are always pretty serious. They practically have to sit on their tents to keep them from blowing away.

Noni and Popi, Uncle B and Aunt K. and the kids are coming. They're bringing along their friend W., who's here from his regular duty station in Germany. After freezing our asses off for the day we'll come back to the house and have a little birthday party for Emma's cousin M. It should be a good time.

Since no one wanted to cook tonight we went to the restaurant for supper. Here's a picture of Emma giving herself a Sweet and Low. She appreciated it so much she gave herself a kiss.

UPDATE: 10:30 p.m. He did fall asleep in the bath tub. I'd probably better fish him out before he gets hypothermia.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Multiple choice
I was in the bathroom cleaning the floor. Emma walks in, "Mommy, what are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning the floor."


"Because it's dirty and it needs to be cleaned."


Blah, blah, blah...doesn't matter what I say.

I turn around and look at her and she's holding my can of dry Comet cleanser.

"Emma, put that down. You shouldn't be touching it, it has bad chemicals."

I turn away and resume scrubbing.

Emma's next logical move would be:

a. Put down the can of Comet like Mommy said.
b. Commence another round of the "Why?" quiz.
c. Start shaking the can and sprinkling Comet all over the bathroom rug.

HINT: The answer is always "c."
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Enpause and Encord
Emma thinks she knows her way around the DVR. When she wants us to stop her show so she can eat supper and come back later she asks us to "enpause" it. I think "encord" pertains to just about everything else we do with the remote that isn't enpausing.
Undesirable firsts
Some of you may find this hard to believe, but last night was the first time that we've been awakened in the middle of the night to find Emma crying and sitting up in bed covered in puke. 3:15 a.m. This was not entirely a surprise because she threw up at Mary's on Monday. Otherwise she seemed perfectly fine. There were no further incidents, concerning her.

Yesterday, I felt awful at work all day. Around lunch time I began to feel nauseous. When faced with my lunch I really started to feel sick. I ended up coming home two hours early and putting on my stretchy pants. I laid in bed on my left side, like I used to do when I was pregnant, and that seemed to help.

So between Emma and me, something is up. But I'm not sure what., I'm not pregnant.
What planet are you from?

You Are From Mercury

You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable - and it shows.

You probably never leave home without your cell phone!

You're witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you.

You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer.

Be careful not to talk your friends' ears off, and temper your need to know everything.

Sunday, March 02, 2008
New toy
Emma is playing on our new toy (under the close supervision of two adults!). It's a treadmill. We set it on a half mile an hour and M stood on the rails to catch her if she stumbled. She thought it was hilarious. You can see from the pictures it was great fun for her.

For those who might be worry-warts...It starts with a key we've hidden up high where she can't get to it.

P.S. Please pardon the humiliating mess behind them. The diaper box is an empty box for packing and hiding some of the crap that's overwhelming us.
Another one
Another pictures showing you what Jake did to himself. That hollowed-out-in-the-middle look doesn't suit him.

Snowman v2.0
The snow was perfect for rolling big balls for a snowman. The only problem was that we didn't have a carrot in the house for a nose. Emma wouldn't accept the fat red crayon I gave her as a substitute. She found a rock for the nose.