What about you drives M. crazy?
My guesses would have been...
1. He calls me a quail-driver. He means I schedule things heavily and then push, push, push him along. My vacations are the ones where we're going places and doing things. His are ones where we go somewhere and lay around all week. I just about kill him with our schedule over the holidays. He's somewhat forgiving of me for this one because he says I get it from Noni. (Sorry, Noni, but you've heard this one before)
2. When he says something he means it. If he suggests something it means he really wants to do it. If I suggest something I may be just floating an idea. So his word is law, his bond, whatever. Me, I'm just talking. I may suggest three different ways of doing the same thing. I think this makes him crazy sometimes.
When I asked him what about me drives him crazy he said...
"In a months time you probably have four minutes when you're at a comfortable temperature." He doesn't resent me for it because he knows I can't help it, it just drives him nuts.
(It will take me some time to think of an answer to Noni's question)