We took a trip to
The Homestead to see their Holiday Lights & Ice display. The Homestead is a resort hotel that is favored by rich people and Congressional types. We're always hearing about this or that celebrity who recently performed there. In 2009 they made national news for a
double-murder amongst employees there. We went to see the lights because we thought Emma would enjoy the treat.
Welcome! Don't be intimidated. Heh.
Their annual giant Christmas tree. Live, of course.
A gingerbread village created by their chefs.
A giant poinsettia tree in a random hallway. Man, to have that poinsettia contract...
Heading outdoors into the freezing evening...
Emma taking it all in...
One of the hot springs for which the resort is famous.
The temporary skating rink.
The Casino Club Restaurant on the grounds. Perhaps you can see the fire pit with the rockers around it.
The lights on the hill in front of one wing of the hotel.
Another area where you can see the hot springs.
The best of my blurry pictures of the hotel as we were leaving.
A tree festively adorned.