The phrase of the day is "I'm sorry."
When I was dressing Emma this morning she knocked her diaper down behind the dresser. I said, "Emma, stop that! You lost your diaper." She said "I'm sorry, Mommy." "I'm sorry I lost the diaper." "I'm sorry." She kept on and kept on saying it.
On the drive up to Mary's she was still saying "I'm sorry."
After work we ran by the store and picked up a few groceries. We let her get one of those freezy pops in plastic, whatever you call them. She ate some of it, dropped most of it on the floor and then when I put her in the car she handed it to me. It was empty except for a little juice in the bottom so I gave it to Grandma to throw in the trash. We took off down the road and she said, "Where's my freezy pop?" I thought she was done with it, I didn't realize she wanted it back. I told her, "I'm sorry, Emma, I didn't realize you weren't done with it. I gave it to Grandma to throw away." We drove a little while and she says, "I'm sorry." I said, "What?" She said, "I'm sorry you took the freezy pop away from me and threw it away. I wanted it back." Oh boy.