Due to the plotting and planning of my brother-in-law's girlfriend, Emma was able to see Santa Claus this year, after all. The girlfriend managed to borrow a Santa suit and scheduled herself to be available as Santa at the store this afternoon. She claimed it was all for Emma, but she did it for three hours to make it worth the effort. She actually did get a few other visitors. When Emma came to see her C spoke with a deepened voice. I'm sure Emma never knew it was C, but I'm also pretty sure Emma was uncertain about the whole thing. Just as uncertain as she would have been meeting Santa in the flesh anywhere. She did manage to tell Santa that she wanted people for her train, thus avoiding a Ralphie moment. Santa gave her a candy cane (which she loves), an ornament for her tree with her name on it, a dancing, singing Christmas tree, and three big stuffed animals in Santa's sack.