She's starting to share them with us now. I'm continually amazed at what she seems to understand. She can follow directions so well and she's eager to do what you tell her, even if it's something new you've never asked before. Now she's saying new words. The word she says the best and most clearly is "shoes." But she seems to be repeating a lot more things she hears us say. Socks, dog, kitty cat, are a few that we hear often. Of course, I'm having trouble remembering them now that I want to tell you about them.
I've been working on teaching her "please." First we worked on the sign, but she never really got it. You make a circular motion against your chest, kind of over your heart. She says please by signing the same thing as "more." Today she actually said the word at least twice "pees." Then it became this little sequence where she'd sign, maybe say it, and then laugh. Like a little forced laugh. It's pretty cute.