Shawnie of
My Life and All That Goes With It is a walking contradiction. She has a heart three sizes too big. She's the first one to open her wallet for someone in need. She's most often the one who will organize everyone to go together and buy a gift for someone else on a special occasion. She's a soft touch for a sad tale. On the other hand, she has zero tolerance for bullshit and a whiff of hypocrisy will send her over the edge. I often joke with her that she's the bad cop to my good cop. She laughs. She has a daughter, Chayleigh, who was born with a form of hip dysplasia and had a very rough time of it for her first year. Shawnie would do absolutely anything for that little girl. Fortunately for me, Chayleigh and Emma are close in size so I've been the beneficiary of some hand-me-downs on occasion. Shawnie is very supportive of all her friends and doesn't miss an opportunity to encourage someone or offer them a shoulder to cry on. She's super-easy to talk to and cracks me up on a regular basis. She lives in Idaho so the chances of me bumping into her are not so good. But she loooooves potato jokes so be sure and leave your best ones in her comments ;)
Jennifer of
My Sleepless Life is another model of quiet strength. I read her blog and want to give her a big hug. She really pours her heart out in her posts. She has gone through a very difficult year, giving birth to her second son and having to work her butt off to support her family. She deals with the same issues a lot of us moms deal with: isolation, depression and feeling like everything is on you, all the time. She's a very sweet person and has an amazing work ethic. I think she'd be successful in any field she chose, but she chose to be a nurse, a job which suits her talents well. I can imagine that she is a bright spot in any patient's day and would treat everyone like an individual, with care and compassion. If you were going to adopt one new blog from this series I'd encourage you to chose hers. It would be nice for her to have some encouragement and pats on the back for all she does.
Angie of
Nice Mommy, Evil Editor is the mommy of a beautiful girl, Brianna, who is Emma's age. I met Angie on the mommy board, but she has since moved on and is now concentrating hard on her career. And boy has her career taken off! She is now the Chief Editor of an e-publishing company called
Samhain Publishing. She works, works, works, and works some more. But she blogs too. I enjoy her blog for the insider's look at the editing field. She used to do Teaching Tuesdays, which I really enjoyed. I try not to let it bug me too much that everything I post here is going to be read by an editor ;) Angie is smart and she's a natural leader. She's a go-getter who makes things happen instead of being more like me, "let's see what happens." She's super frugal and used to be the master of getting a lot for a little. She was so adept at using coupons that grocery stores were practically paying her for her groceries. She's always very resourceful and quick with the links when people are researching topics she's familiar with. I've enjoyed her success over the last few years, even though it has nothing to do with me. It's been fun to watch.
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