On my drive home tonight, while I was scanning the area, hoping to spot the dogs, I was also crafting this blog post in my mind. The one where I confront the possibilities of what has happened to the dogs. Here's the list:
1. They're still OK, just touring around and finding shelter where they can. They have no problem munching on carcasses so they may not be starving.
2. They are slowing starving and slowly succumbing to exposure, but still alive.
3. They've been caught in with livestock and have been shot dead. We'll never know about it.
4. They've found a cyanide trap laid by the animal warden and are dead. We probably would find out when he checks his trap and retrieves their collars.
5. They've found someone to hang out with, and that person doesn't know how to contact us.
6. Someone has found them and kept them. Or taken them somewhere else. Both dogs would have decent monetary value so it's not impossible.
7. They're gone forever and we'll never know their fate.
8. We'll come home one day and find that they've found their way back home.
As you can see there are numerous possibilities and most are not so great to dwell on. It's been weird around here without them. On the plus side, you can move around freely without stumbling over moving obstructions. The floors still look clean two days after vacuuming. M has all kinds of free time. On the minus side, they're our boys, our responsibility and we miss them. I've told Emma they've left home on an adventure, but she's starting to miss them too.
When I got home today there was a message on the machine. A woman I know called to tell us she'd seen our dogs. This woman lives about four miles south of us and a mountain over. She said the dogs were out behind their house all afternoon yesterday just laying around. Then this morning she saw them again, but they headed back up the mountain around 9:30 a.m. Unfortunately, she didn't hear the radio message until they were gone. So now we don't know if they'll be on this side of the mountain or her side. She did say that they had been in and out of a barn behind her house so it sounds like they have the sense to find shelter where they can. And they're still together.
Unfortunately tonight is going to be bad weather-wise. We've had a relatively mild few days since they've been gone. That luck has run dry. They're calling for snow again. I just pray the dogs can find their way to someone else who knows we're looking for them. I'm afraid that's the only way we'll get them back.