I was in pajama pants and a sweatshirt all weekend. Emma and I never left the house. It took two days to get all the Christmas decorations put away. I just don't have the stamina for carrying the boxes up and down the stairs like I used to, and there are
lots of boxes. It always feels good to get all of the extra clutter out of the way. Unfortunately I didn't get much done in the way of boxing up stuff to give away. I did organize Emma's room a bit so most all of her new toys have a place. She was a good girl at home all day with me yesterday, but today she was a whiny, bossy, demanding little so-and-so. It really got on my nerves badly. The way she talks to her daddy, sometimes I just want to jerk a knot in her tail.
We did watch "Wall-E" yesterday afternoon together. I popped popcorn and sat with her through the whole movie. Several times she wanted to quit. Whenever the action gets tense she wants to hide her face or turn it off. I made her stay with it. She kept asking, "Did he make a mistake?" She was really concerned that he was doing the wrong thing. I had to keep telling her, "Emma, I don't know, just watch the movie!" If I did know something she didn't understand I would clarify it for her, but she expected me to know what was coming next all the time. She's still clearly not ready for the movie theater experience. It's a good movie, by the way, I really enjoyed it.
Next up, four day work week, woo hoo!