I almost feel like I'm cheating on you all when I spend an evening reading and skip the blogging, but I must confess I've finished two books this week. OK, OK, that only accounts for two nights, the rest you can blame on do-lessness.
I finally got around to reading Stephanie Meyer's
Twilight. I've seen it and it's sequels on the Amazon bestseller list for years but never got around to trying them. The books are marketed to young adults, but I figured what's good for them can't be bad for me, right?
I loved it. It was incredibly romantic and sexy, yet contained no sex at all (hence the YA designation, I figure). It's a vampire novel. One of the new-age vampire books, a direct descendant of Anne Rice's modern take on vampires. The new vampire is usually young, virile, incredibly sexy, anachronistically chivalrous and, of course, immortal. Many are conflicted about their hunger for blood and the damage it causes to humans. Such is the case in this book. If you're interested in learning more about the plot of the book I suggest you click
I started the book after work and finished it that night. All 544 pages of it. This is why I don't read often. I have no self control and will ruin a good night's sleep to finish a book. I finally finished at 1:30 a.m. It was well worth it.