Tonight my heart is heavy. Two friends from my mommy board are dealing with very different and very heartbreaking situations tonight, and for the days to come. Both have been on my mind a lot.
It's funny about this "cyber-friend" thing. Many people are dismissive of the idea; mostly those that don't have any. But my online friends are real people. We've all invested a lot of time in communicating and getting to know each other. The initial thin veil of anonymity allowed us to be more intimate than we might have been with people we knew personally or IRL (In Real Life) as we call it. We know things about each other that our husbands don't even know. And we choose each other. Sometimes we reach a comfort level where we share more; a photo, a name or an address, or maybe we'll even meet for real. At any time any person could bow out completely; just not log on anymore. It does happen sometimes.
The thing that is so wonderful about my BIO friends is that we choose each other based on our minds, our thoughts, our attitudes and our expressions. It has nothing to do with money, or "who you know" or where you come from. We enjoy entertaining each other and we value the things we learn from each other. We share each others triumphs and trials, knowing that these things are real, even if we're not there to see them.
So when one (or more) of us is hurting, we know it is real because we feel it. We suddenly wish the screen between us was gone and we could give real hugs, real pats on the back and provide real support. Unfortunately geography prevents this. So we're left with an aching heart and some hope of further word. We wait until the the trial and the pain is past and the healing is underway.
You're in my thoughts and prayers girls.