The last twenty search engine queries to land on my blog:
Tylenol's Simply Sleep - Hey, I only took it the one time!
"at o'charley's" "got a raise" - Congratulations! Post it in the comments next time.
seven years old twin birthday invitations - Is this a prophecy?
stroking daddy - Dude, my mom reads this blog...
deviated path - Here I am!
emma frost "halloween costume" - Yeah, we have no comic book nerds here.
circo pants - Love, love, love 'em! Yay Target!
TODDLER HYSTERICAL FIT - Judging from the fact that you're YELLING I might know where the little nipper gets it from.
pumpkins frost warning - We were completely faked out by that one. We still haven't had frost.
abbreviated bus - This short bus was a church bus, probably not the kind you were looking for.
circo pants - Apparently other people love them as well.
unaffectionate babies - I still haven't forgotten that one, you know who you are.
dora playdoh set - A hit with the toddler set, for sure. But still no playdoh in this house.
emma loveys - It's called tigger, and yes, there are two of them.
charmbracelet - Did you like it? I'm pretty proud of it.
"ironing" routine - No thanks. And why is ironing in quotes, is it "ironic?"
"i wish i had never gotten married" - That was definitely the first time. Not surprising that the sentiment is not original to me.
ring around the rosie roseola - Cool, I had forgotten that association.
softlips balm pictures - I guess you didn't find exactly what you were looking for.
translate audiophones - Very handy, I highly recommend them when you're visiting sites in a foreign country.
That was fun, and fairly G-rated for some of the things I've seen before.