Thursday, February 22, 2007
The magical perm
You know what I'm talking about. The perm that would change you from a plain chunky girl with braces into a hot babe. That's what I was hoping for. Instead what I got was gen-u-wine Grade A poodle head disaster. Now I was a plain chunky girl with braces and poodle hair. Naturally curly hair + perm = horror show. As with most hair disasters, it was temporary.

On a side note, the little guy in the picture was one of those who was always picked on by the rest of the guys in the group. He was the youngest and smallest. I was always nice to him because he was mistreated and needed a friend and he was actually quite clever and entertaining. Within a matter of years he grew bigger and then treated me like I was beneath him. I never quite understood that. I believe he's a doctor now. I guess he was practicing.

UPDATE: Wow, I humbly take back the snark. I just Googled him and he's an Army Major and an orthopedic surgeon. He served with the 212th MASH unit, the last MASH unit left before they folded up the MASH programs and converted to Combat Support Hospitals. He spent some of his time in Pakistan performing surgeries for the local population. Well done!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
What color?
She's playing with PlayDoh hot dogs again. She was pretty tired and we had a little difficulty getting her to play along. She knows when she's getting the old "Dance, Monkey, dance!"

The end table
Emma has developed a fascination for playing on this end table. It sits between two chairs and there's a coffee table behind the chairs that butts up against the end table. She likes crawling all over the furniture and never touching the floor. I guess she has the same fascination for clean surfaces that I do. They're extremely rare to find in this house.

I got tired of getting fat
But not before I had made matters much worse for myself. Such is life, my life anyway. So now I'm reversing the trend, as I always seem to be doing at this time of year. The good news is that it's going faster this time. I lost 12.6 lbs. the first four weeks.

I'm taking it more seriously. I've cut out most all of the refined grains and started eating many new whole grain products. I've also cut out most all of the sweets I used to eat on Weight Watchers. I had gotten to the point where I was gaming the system and only hurting myself. I'm also eating almonds and walnuts. The nuts are for the omega 3 fats that are supposed to be good for me. The challenge for me is to fit in the exercise. I do step aerobics in the middle of the living room, which is also the nerve center of the house. I usually have to do it when Emma's napping and I'm at home. Which happens Saturday and Sunday. And then sometimes a get a chance on Wednesdays. I can't wait till the weather gets better so we can walk together.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Visiting Noni and Popi on our day off
We braved the latest bout of snow to head over the mountains to Noni's. After being isolated in the house for two days we really needed to get out. We hit Target to check out the post-Valentine's sale and had lunch out. Then we went back to the house to hang out with Noni for the afternoon. When Popi came home Emma lit up (as usual). In the second picture she's reading to him.

My internet is restricted :(
The power adapter on my wireless router crapped out. Now I have to actually sit in the coldest room of the house by myself to work on the computer. I guess folks won't see as much of me online the next few days.

On the positive side the outdoor temperatures here were above freezing today. I think we're in for a few days in the 40's. Right now that practically feels like Florida weather to us. We'll take it.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
The flip side...
Of all the cute things Emma says:

"Get out of here, Mommy."

When I'm hugging Daddy and she's in a mood "Get off! Get off!"

And she doesn't say "no" when you tell her to do something she doesn't want to do. She says "I not!"
Snow day, again
We have fresh snow over top of the ice, over top of the snow, over top of the ice, over top...well you get it. Since it was 20 degrees we bundled Emma up good. She actually wanted her hat and gloves and sunglasses because Daddy was putting on his.

They're underway!

Things so slightly awry...

Stopping to make adjustments.

Damn, it's cold. Let's go in!