Hi There, Mommy and Daddy!
Today has been a really busy day.
I slept a little later this morning since I was up a little later last night. I had a good night's sleep. Noni fixed us breakfast. We had bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. I ate everything on my plate. You would be very proud of me.
We had a mission - to go to Costco to take pictures of dog beds so you could pick the pattern you want for your new dog beds. We were doing pretty good until the Costco Nazi came up to us and told us we weren't allowed to take pictures of the merchandise. Noni explained the situtation, but no go! Before she got to us Noni had taken a picture of all the patterns, but two and Noni didn't think you would have liked either one of them any way.
Noni got real excited while we were in Costco. It was pretty funny. We were playing a peek-a-boo game and while I had my eyes covered I said "Emma". I did it twice and Noni got so excited she was running around trying to find Popi so I could do it for him too! When we found Popi, I wasn't very cooperative and it wasn't until later in the day that he heard me say it. Noni said I say it very clear and she loves to hear me say my name. That must be something special.
We came back home and played around for a little while and then Popi put me down for my nap. He forgot I needed a paci and it wasn't until I cried and he asked Noni what was wrong, that she realized I didn't have it. She took care of it and I took a nice long three hour nap. I woke up so refreshed and happy.
I played for just a little while with the toys in the living room. Popi said it would give my stomach time to wake up and then we would go have some lunch. They took me to Chick-Filet. I ate four of the nuggets and some of my waffle fries. Noni got a cup of ice cream and I ate some of that until Popi got a chocolate milkshake and that looked so much better than my ice cream. He was very nice and shared it with me. Noni laughed and said something about, it wasn't only Mommy's food that I was always after. It was just anyone. They let me play in the playroom for about a half hour I climbed up the steps and then down, up and then down, up and then down. I did it so many times, Noni lost count.
We took Popi home to mow the lawn and we went back to Costco to get Beaker and Jake new beds. While Noni was pushing me around in the cart I was saying "dog bed". Noni thought that was pretty special too.
Popi hadn't finished the lawn when we got home, so Noni put me in my car and pushed me up and down the street. She let me play on the neighbor's slide and she pushed me on their swing. Then she pushed me around the back yard while Popi was mowing the grass. I thought it was pretty funny when he got close to my car. We were passing on the interstate lawn. It was fun!!!
We had supper at Wendy's with Grandmommy. I ate yogurt and some fries. I didn't care for the hamburger they got me. Then I ate some of the granola you can put in the yogurt, but I ate it separate.
I had a good bath and after Noni dried me off, Popi showed me your blog pictures from last night. I was so glad to see them. Then Noni put me on the bed in the computer room. She turned away and when she looked back I was peeing on the bed. Mommy and Daddy, did she ever move fast picking me up and wiping me and the bed off. She called me a "scoundrel". I don't know what that means, but I think it means I did something maybe I wasn't supposed to do. I thought it was pretty neat. It felt nice and warm.
I had a good day - a busy day and now I'm tired and ready for bed. I gave Noni and Popi lots of kisses and hugs today. That makes them so happy. I can tell by the big smiles on their faces.
Goodnight, Mommy and Daddy. I'll see you sometime tomorrow. I hope you didn't work too hard tonight. I'll be anxious to see you!!
Hugs, kisses and love,
Labels: Emma's report