To me! Yep, it all started Monday, July 18, 2005. Right after I got my new camera, and after a few postings on the B.O.M.B. I'm really happy that I've stuck with it. It's been a great outlet for me and a wonderful way to preserve a record of Emma's development. It's also a nice way of letting my friends and family know what's going on. In one year we've accomplished 1308 posts and logged 18,805 visits and 36,285 page views.(Statcounter says 19,813 visits and 41,110 page views)
So thank you to my BIO friends and my family, Noni, Popi and Aunt Patty. Thank you to
Angie and
Allie, who have helped me with the template when I needed a new look. Thank you to my newfound blog friends; it's quite cool to see blogging "networks" mingle and grow. Thank you to all my fellow bloggers on the list to the right who inspire me with their great ideas (which I wantonly steal) and who push me on with their kind comments. A special thank you to those of you who have no affiliation with me, yet read anyway. I do the same thing on many different blogs and I enjoy "the show" so to speak. I find it interesting and compelling to get a glimpse into other people's lives because it reinforces my belief that despite the bad news we're barraged with every day, real people are good folks. Thank you!