The last twenty search engine terms that landed on my blog!
Exotic plants from NC Outer Banx That one landed on my OBX shot glass. That had to be damned disappointing.
Dell Hell I am now officially a member of the brotherhood of Dell Hell survivors.
Deviated Path When it's all capitalized like that I assume people were actually looking for me.
Dell Hell Another survivor seeking validation.
Emma Frost Halloween costume OK, now I've seen this Emma Frost chick. She's one hot mama so you'd have to be pretty confident in your hotness to pull off this costume. It's a pretty safe bet this one was searching for me too.
kitten, teething, lethargy I have no earthly idea. I remember when Emma was teething, and I even remember her being lethargic, but she was never a kitten. This works just as well if you type it into the address bar. I'm just sayin'...
team zissou baby onesie We don't have them here. But I'm so cool I actually know what Team Zissou is :)
circo pants I'm still hopelessly devoted. Emma's wearing a pair today.
deboning salmon I once referred to M doing it. It wasn't actually a teaching moment.
roladens I'm telling you, they are really cool. I wish we had them in the U.S.
Dell Hell Look! There are enough of us here now for a group hug!
deviated path Here.
fo shizzle onesie Har har, this search led to a post in January where I mentioned a few search engine terms that landed on my blog. PSYCH!
deviated path I assume people use this as a shortcut or used it to avoid having my blog address recorded on their address history.
How do I decorate my car for trunk or treat If you figure this out tell Noni and Popi cause they're bugging me for ideas about how to decorate their motorcycle.
blog "today's outfit" tights This implies that I'm not the only one to blog today's outfit. Or to have unoriginal post titles.
"broken mind" and "documentary" and hbo Word to the don't have to use Boolean search terms on Google.
the horizontal bump song I'm stumped here. Everyone who knows me knows I have no idea what you're referring to.