If you were referred by a search engine click on the Trunk or Treat page I created with the information listed below....
Trunk or Treat Decorating. You will find more pictures on the web site.
OK, since I'm getting so many hits for this anyway, as a public service I'm going to throw out some ideas from what I saw last year...
There are the obvious choices, like decorating for
Halloween, using pumpkins, spider webbing, spiders, brooms, bats, cauldrons, scary stuff...
NOTE: Some church sponsored trunk or treats ask that participants not use scary items, like blood, bats, witches, spiders, monsters, or gore. It's a good idea because some of the best fun will be had by preschoolers.
The best way to go is to pick a theme. Think of it like dressing yourself in a costume. Sometimes you pick a theme and throw things together. Some of the trunks that stand out in my mind from last year were:
An SUV which was
'70's themed. They threw down some shag, hung a disco ball and parked close to the church so they could run an extension cord to a light ball. The people wore 'fro wigs and tie dye. It was pretty funny. So you could do
50's, 60's or 80's too.
One lady was
Mother Goose and had a few little settings around the trunk representing different nursery rhymes.
You can dress as a
clown and fill your trunk with balloons.
Another one was a
zookeeper who had lots of stuffed animals set about.
One acted like their trunk was the back of a
boat. They had fishing poles for hooking the candy. (I actually recommend against activities like this because they hold up the line pretty badly)
Other ideas:
Beach theme. Noni might do this with the Patrol this year. Open up the back, hang some towels and set up a boogie board against the door, set out beach chairs, use an umbrella. There are tons of things you could do with this. I told Noni she should wear her bathing suit over her clothes. I think the kids would think that's a riot. She doesn't want to, but someone should do it.
Harvest Theme
Sports Theme (pick a sport)
Popular Kid's Themes:
Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer, Veggie Tales. (If you have kids and they're into a particular character you can use their stuff. Other kids will love it)
Animal Themes
Movie Themes (Keep the kids in mind though)
Western Theme
Camping Out theme
Gone Fishing Theme
Pirate Theme (Decorate like your local Long John Silvers or Red Lobster!)
Links with more ideas:
www.touchandchange.comClear Lake Methodist ChurchBible Baptist Church Second Annual Trunk or TreatJacksonville's Second Annual Trunk or TreatElm St. Baptist ChurchNoni and Popi with motorcycle last year.
A spider pumpkin we made as decoration and set next to the cycle.
If anyone has any other trunk decorating ideas please post them in the comments and I'll add them to this post for posterity (and searchability!) Feel free to leave links too!