Friday, November 02, 2007
I ask you...
Does that not look like a proud big sister?

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I nearly never put Emma in a dress. We hardly ever do anything that requires dressing up and it seems silly to send her to the baby sitter's in a dress when all she's going to do is play hard all day. Nonetheless, Thursday she wore a dress to Mary's. I think maybe a knit dress and tights combo isn't so bad for playing. I think we'll put knit dresses on the Christmas list and shop for more tights.

Here she's giggling like mad while Popi lets the air out of a balloon in such a way that it makes a funny noise (squeaks?).


Thursday, November 01, 2007
Trick or Treating
Time for the big show! She was ready to go. I'm proud so say she said her "Trick or Treats" and "Thank yous" better than 75% of the time. The older kids around her were no example to follow, that's for sure. We got to hear a lot of ooohing and aaaahing over how cute she was. You know how a parent hates that ;)

She scored major booty. We found the house that gives full sized candy bars. We found the scariest house and will be ready for it next year. We went all the way up and down main street, a short trip, I assure you. We then visit Uncle K and two of the neighbors close to home.

She took her hat off between every stop, no matter how short the distance. Daddy only had to carry her for about 20% of the time. At 35 lbs. that no small feat on his part.

I'd say this year's Halloween celebrations were a big success. Honestly, it was hard to tell who was more excited about it all, Emma or Mommy and Daddy.

Visiting Ms. Polly. Emma had to pose for a picture here. When there's candy at stake she's amazingly accommodating.

One of many dogs we ran into on the sidewalk last night.

Visiting our off-duty deputy pal.

This is the lady who makes sure I get my paychecks. We like her a lot.

This was the scariest house on the street. The witch jumped out at us from the gate. Niiiiice. They had the distinction of being the only house that had live music. To the left you can see the Phantom of the Opera with his keyboard.

One of these things is not like the others...A strange sight since we're nowhere near an Army installation. So queer I had to take a picture.


Trick or Treating was fun!
We had a great time last night but I didn't have enough time to post pictures. I promise to have plenty of them for you tonight. In the meanwhile here is one to tide you over. It's a display from one of the houses we visited.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007
From Noni's collection
A few pics from Saturday morning trick or treating in town. I love the pic of Emma carrying the goodie bag. She looks so grown up.

She still fits
In the light aircraft. More importantly her daddy still has the lifting power to get her airborne.

The will to live a long time will be strong in me... that I might be around to make sure this photo makes it into the wedding slide show.

M is playing with one of the fun prizes the girls got on their hayride.
Monday, October 29, 2007
One little monkey jumpin' on the bed
When we got to Noni and Popi's Friday night Noni had the air bed made in the living room for Emma's cousins to sleep in that night. The bed was awaiting their late arrival. Emma could not pass up the opportunity to do some jumping. However, she jumped from the couch onto the bed so she could catch some major air. Interestingly enough this was sanctioned by her grandparents. We watched her wear herself out at it. I photographed her doing it twenty-one times and she did it before I got there and after I was done. These squirts have tons of energy and know how to find a good time.

Daddy's pumpkins
This year we pulled out the pumpkin carving kit M had bought and neglected last year. He really got into carving. The first two pumpkins are done from stencils that came with the kit. I drew the pictures for the pumpkins in the second picture and M carved them. 10 points for correctly guessing who's on the left in picture two.

Even though she's spoiled...
...sometimes she does get hind teat. Yesterday M was watching Redskins on the TV in the living room and I was watching Redskins in the computer room. Poor, poor Emma had to endure watching Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer on the portable DVD player. It's a hard knock life.

New blogs on the blogroll
One is brand spanking new and the other has been around a little while but wasn't announced when I added it. I Got Smarts Real Good is a new blog by Jennie and Stuck in Texas is Misty's blog. Although, come to think of it, Misty will need to rename that one because they're trying to move away from Texas right now.


Sunday, October 28, 2007
T*R*U*N*K or T*R*E*A*T
This year I helped Noni decorate. We chose a Backyardigans theme, using the stuff leftover from Emma's birthday. The theme was actually Backyardigans Birthday Party. It was a big hit with the kids and parents. It was funny because the preschoolers are so intent on collecting candy they aren't paying much attention to the displays. But the parent's would see Backyardigans and starting ooohing and aaaahing and they'd make sure their kids would see it too. I think the cake was touched at least three times and, yes, it was real.

I ran around and took pictures of the rest (and best) of the displays and if you'd like to see them they're posted at the web site here. All the new pics are down the right column.

I gave out candy until the kids came. Then I went around with them. Unfortunately Emma was a whiner the whole time. It kind of saps the fun out of any situation to have to listen to that. But she had skipped her nap and hadn't eaten in a while so it wasn't entirely for nothing she was a crank.

I think all the kids got an outrageous haul of candy from the day. We'll be doling Emma's out slowly. We were prepared for the glut of candy, but not for cake.

Proof that Emma was actually there.

After they had collected their candy the girls really wanted to help hand it out.

Eventually Little M had the job to herself.

Popi's display ended up being Bee Movie. It was originally just going to be a bee. But we ate lunch at McDonalds and collected four Bee Movie Happy Meal toys so suddenly the display became Bee Movie. (Is the movie even out yet?)

Beware flying Devil Cremes!


Saturday Morning - Trick or Treating Downtown
We went downtown to trick or treat at the downtown businesses. This year there were lots of kids participating. I think we covered most of the circuit. Noni even took the girls on a hayride. Emma had difficulty with her trick or treat bag, she kept pulling the handles closed tight instead of opening it for candy. I ended up carrying the bag and she'd just take the candy in her hand and bring it to me. Every single time someone gave her candy she asked me if she could eat it. Every. Single. Time.

The girls are ready for their big day...

Trekking around town.

A happy pirate with candy in hand.

Hayride! The ride even stopped a few places to people from different stores could bring them treats in a basket.

They didn't miss many opportunities.

Yay! Candy! Can I eat it?

Popi's Costume
Popi's had this for years. People tend to love it and comment on it a lot. I think it's because it subtle and unexpected.

Friday Night - Halloween Carnival at School
We went to the store after work to put on the costume and collect Daddy. Then we went and ate in the cafeteria, good nutritious food like hot dogs, nachos and cheese and brownies. Once fed we went and played the different games being offered in the classrooms. There were only a few she was capable of and we hit those repeatedly. In other words, I bought too many tickets.

A pirate says, "Arrgh!"

Fishing for cheap chinese junk.

What to choose? What to choose?

Cakewalk! We did it twice and I wanted to move on. M said, "Oh, one more!" Fine. Then he won a cake. We carried it around a little while and then he decided to take it to the car. While he was gone Emma and I decided to blow more tickets by cakewalking again. While he was gone we won two more cakes! We took two of them no Noni and Popi's that night and managed to get rid of a whole one there.