Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday Morning - Trick or Treating Downtown
We went downtown to trick or treat at the downtown businesses. This year there were lots of kids participating. I think we covered most of the circuit. Noni even took the girls on a hayride. Emma had difficulty with her trick or treat bag, she kept pulling the handles closed tight instead of opening it for candy. I ended up carrying the bag and she'd just take the candy in her hand and bring it to me. Every single time someone gave her candy she asked me if she could eat it. Every. Single. Time.

The girls are ready for their big day...

Trekking around town.

A happy pirate with candy in hand.

Hayride! The ride even stopped a few places to people from different stores could bring them treats in a basket.

They didn't miss many opportunities.

Yay! Candy! Can I eat it?