Emma and I went to Maryland for a long weekend. I attending my brother's graduation and watched him get his master's degree. Noni and Popi and I only got to watch on closed circuit TV, but I figure we got a better view than Aunt K., who was the only one who had a ticket to the actual event. You have to have a master's degree to have any chance of being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, so Uncle B. has that out of the way now. Aunt K. also received great news last week that she's approved for the schooling she wants. Pretty soon she'll be a student again too.
It was a low-key weekend as the heat forced us indoors. We did go to the pool on Saturday and everyone enjoyed that a lot. Emma gets really wired at the pool and spends all her time whining and ordering people around. Everyone worked on her hard to "correct" that behavior and I think it's actually having an effect.
We sat at Uncle B.'s bar last night and sampled margaritas and daiquiri's while he bar tended. I'm sure he was thinking "Damn those women and their blended frozen drinks!"
Now we're back home with daddy, who we missed horribly. The good news is he spent some of his alone time canning pork tenderloin and pot roast. Woo hoo! The cupboard is no longer bare!
Master of...what again???
Proud parents.
Proud sister.