Emma made her debut on the local kiddie social circuit today. She was invited to a birthday party for a 5 year-old boy. I know his mom through work and she invited us. Emma was a good three years younger than all of them. As the kids were arriving Emma became anxious...
Here the kids are playing hot potato and the mommy is giving Emma a fighting chance. As a matter of fact, Emma won that one. The fix may have been in. She won a SpongeBob ball.
Emma grabs a quiet moment on the huge window sill...
Which quickly became a stage of sorts.
They're playing pin the tail on the donkey. I'm on the other side of the door taking pictures. Right after I took this shot the girl behind Emma physical removed Emma from her way and took Emma's spot. Nice.
Daddy arrived a little past halfway so that we could eat supper in the adjoining restaurant.
Wonder Twin powers Activate!