After dinner Aunt K promised the kids if they'd (fill in the blank) she would play the zoo game with them. They were so excited, "Hooray! We're going to play the zoo game!" Then naturally they asked, "What's the zoo game?" "You'll see," Aunt K replied cryptically. Which meant that she had no idea what the zoo game was and she needed some time to pull it out of her ass. Spoken like a true mother.
As it turned out, the zoo game morphed into something more like the circus game. The kids picked which animal they wanted to be and Aunt K acted like the ringmaster. She announced all the tricks they were going to do and the animals did them.
Here is the daring jump through the flaming hoop.

They played it for a good long while and then moved on to other activities. After bath when everyone was chilling out again Aunt K wanted to have some time with Emma. She started to talk to Emma and Emma asked for the circus game again. Aunt K engaged her in conversation by asking her questions and Emma would answer her patiently and then always come back to, "Will you play the circus game with me?" Being my daughter, Emma hounded Aunt K till she caved. These last three pictures are of the second round of the circus game.