It started with a wonderful gift from Noni and Popi. We put the toy right up on the fridge. E, E, E is for...Over and over and over. Emma would take the toy off the refrigerator and walk around with it like a boom box by her head. She loves to make it say the A, B, C's. And then it disappeared. As relatively new parents we've learned not to bother to turn the house over looking for something. It will turn up. But it didn't. So then we looked, and looked, and looked. And looked. We finally came to the conclusion/guess that she may have dropped it in the trash can, which sits right beside the refrigerator. Yikes.
So what to do? Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Replace it so Noni never knows. Except for some inexplicable reason every single one of the basic Fridge Phonics has disappeared from the store shelves. Several visits to Target and Walmart yield no Fridge Phonics. Great. Of course she
does notice that it's missing. Explanation: it's probably around here somewhere. (And it may still be!)
This goes on for two months, M. looks at Walmart every time he goes. Last night, finally, he finds it again. I had given up hope. I figured they had phased it out for a new model. I told him I'd reimburse him. Before he even brings it home he tells me that Grandma G. wants to pay for it. She tells him she often has impulses to buy Emma something but she never knows if it's right. So she wants to do this. So now Emma has a new Fridge Phonics and two sets of letters, sponsored by both grandmas.