Friday, February 29, 2008
It was option #8
Beaker showed up while M was behind our property looking for them this morning. He doesn't look all that bad, not even much thinner. He was certainly happy to see us. We brought him right in and fed him and he laid down on the kitchen floor. Then we started quizzing him "Where's Jakey?" (Like that was going to do any good). I worried most about Jake, the dalmatian, with his short hair and wonky back end from being hit by a car.

After tending to Beaker M headed out back again to try and hollar for Jake. I was just so afraid that something had happened to Jake and that was why Beaker had come home alone. Interestingly, while I was making the bed the phone rang and someone called to tell us they heard two dogs running around in the woods miles away where ours were spotted on Monday. I told the caller that one of ours had just come home. It pained me to have to leave for work while M was still out looking for Jake, but I can't be late. While I was out scraping the windshield I saw Jakey making his way slowly down the mountain toward me. I called him and it was only then that I felt tears of relief stinging my eyes. Jake looks pretty bad. The hair over his nose is scraped away and he looks emaciated. I'll have a picture for you tonight. I hollared for M, hoping he'd hear me wherever he was. I led Jake in the house and fed him. After Jake ate he plopped down in front of the wood stove. I imagine he'll be there for a long time to come.

Thank you all for your good wishes and support. This has been a pretty stressful time and your encouragement and hope for a happy ending have helped me through it. You guys are great.