Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Stories from Africa
I got to enjoy an educational evening. M took care of Emma for me so I could go to see a storyteller at the library. We're a pretty homogeneous population here in the mountains so it was a rare treat to attend a cultural even featuring Africa. One of the board members asked me to bring my camera and take pictures for them. Unfortunately an exhibit of high school art on the walls made it difficult to get good uncluttered shots. The storyteller, who was raised in Zambia, kept the audience enthralled. I wish we could have more events like this around here; I really enjoyed it.

He opened the evening with some dancing...

Then he told about the thrill he felt as a little boy watching the adults in the village dance...

He played a drum that was handcrafted for him by a drum-maker in his village.

Here he was using a volunteer to demonstrate how they would sling their babies and carry their food, too.

He was a very animated and joyful man.

No, he's not signing autographs. He's writing down his website so the children could look up more stories from Zambia.