Sunday, October 07, 2007
Congratulations, Popi!
And well done to both you and Aunt K!

The both participated in and finished the Army Ten Miler this morning in Washington DC. From what I'm told the weather was hot, so it wasn't ideal conditions. They ran with approximately 25,000 other runners. Popi and Aunt K. ran together the entire run. The rest of the family stood on the sidelines cheering on all the runners. "Let's go Army, let's go!"

Aunt K. signed Popi up for the run when we were visiting them at Easter. Popi went from zero running to a ten-miler in six months. That's quite an achievement. We should all hope to be so motivated in our sixties. Heck, how about right now?

We're all very proud of you. Grandma G. says to be sure to tell you they're proud of you too.