For the last three years my husband and I have been volunteering for an annual road bike challenge held here in the mountains. I do their website, but we both would help at registration. We'd come in Friday after work and register cyclists till 9 p.m. and then get up bright and early (5:00 a.m.) to come in and do registration again the next morning. I was really loathe to let this go because we enjoy it and they really seem to appreciate our help. Unfortunately I couldn't see how we could do this with Emma in the mix now. She's just not at a stage where we could bring her along. She wouldn't like being restrained, but left to her own devices she'd be a huge distraction. I'm pretty bummed about this. I'm sure my MIL would watch her, but who'd have the nerve to ask for a babysitter at 5:30 a.m.? And I'd hate to knock Emma off schedule for something that's optional. Anyway...this year I'll be doing Friday night registration without M. He'll be putting Emma to bed. And I guess we're off the hook for Saturday altogether. Sigh.