Monday, July 18, 2005
Now for mundane things i.e. my life
Life right now is pretty exciting. To bring you up to date my nine month old daughter Emma is experiencing a period of rapid discovery. Every day she is achieving something new. Two weekends ago she started crawling. She'd been on the cusp for a month. Two weeks later she's like a little drag racer, zipping across the floor.

We have new language. B's, G's, D's, M's and now N's. Can you believe I'm excited about this stuff?

She waved bye bye Thursday. It was a shock. Her Popi was leaving and she waved at him. We both pointed at her and looked at each other in shock at the same moment.

She's big on mimicry now. So I never know what she'll do next.

She finally started clapping. She loves to clap your hands too. She'll take your fingers and guide them. Tonight she was on the porch with her daddy swinging. I could hear great bursts of laughter from her. I was intensely curious, as the dog is the only one she has found that funny so far. Daddy was clapping his cupped hands, making a "whop, whop, whop" sound. Apparently it was the funniest thing she had heard in awhile.

Every day is a wonder.