Well, have you? Yeah, I thought so. What do you say to the mother? "Isn't he adorable!" or "She has her mother's eyes" or some other white lie. And thank God people do lie. Can you imagine someone telling you your baby is ugly? What a slap in the face that would be.
Before Emma was born I wondered aloud to M. whether as parents we would ever be able to see our daughter objectively. Or would it always be through rose-colored glasses? I suspected that I could tell if my daugther was homely. But I can't ever really know if I'm being objective. Maybe my eye is too critical, who knows?
So if you see a mother with a baby that is butt ugly, consider it a test. She may suspect her baby's not gorgeous, but you damned well better be praising that child as the second coming of Michaelangelo, or you will FAIL.