One in 25 fathers 'not the daddy' This tidbit has been everywhere in the news. I guess this shouldn't really come as a shock. And I really doubt it has all that much to do with modern mores. Infidelity has been with us through the ages. It's just a pretty stark statistic and probably causes a gut check when men hear it.
It reminds me of M's friend reactions when he told them I was pregnant. "Is it yours?" Ha ha. Apparently men think this is funny.
It also reminded me of my single anthropology class in college when we talked briefly about martriarchal societies. Within these societies the brothers raised their nieces and nephews and were thereby assured they were raising children who were actual blood-relatives. I googled and found a
description of such a society as an example if you'd like to see what I'm talking about. I can't vouch for the research but it squares with what we discussed in college.