It was a good day. I've had her in long pants for two days and she's adapted her crawl to compensate for the slippery wooden floors. Now her back legs go knee, foot, knee, foot, knee, foot. It's pretty funny to watch, like a little crab. I think she's pretty clever to find a way that keeps her from collapsing all the time.
Today we exploited the joy of "the chase." Once or twice when she's been crawling and I've bent over to pick her up she would accelerate and squeal and giggle trying to get away from me. I mentioned it to M. and he started chasing her around the living room floor. It was hilarious. She was squealing and giggling and her eyes were as bright as can be. I tried to take a movie but didn't capture the height of excitement.
Finally, she had a fever today. Around 5:30 we took her temperature and it was 102.1. That's a real fever. I called my Mom to check in and strategize treatment. We decided on Motrin. Half an hour after she took it the fever was gone. She had energy back and was ready to play again. Now that's the way a medicine should work.