It's getting to be that time of year when getting dressed in the morning is fraught with peril. What do you wear? Will you burn up all day or freeze? This morning it was 58 degrees when we left the house. So far I've been in favor of shorts for Emma if at all possible, maybe adding socks. I put her in a cute pair of capris a few days ago and it definitely had an adverse effect on her mobility. She could crawl across the carpet at warp speed as usual, but as soon as she'd hit the hardwood floor her knees would slip out from under her and SPLAT. I suspect it would be good for her to learn to adapt because long pants weather is coming fast here in the mountains. She needs to learn to crawl in pants, but do I really have to watch? It's terrible watching her collapsing every few seconds. Maybe she'll get pissed off and just start walking? Ya think?