I watched it. I couldn't decide whether to watch it until 9:00 p.m. when it was supposed to start. I knew it would be emotionally draining and I couldn't decide whether to put myself through that. After watching it I'm very glad that I did. As I figured I boo-hoo'ed through half of it. It was really a just-the-facts-ma'am documentary. They used actual recordings from the flight, phone messages, the highjackers transmissions, and reenactments with actors. Various family members gave their recollections of that day.
Flight 93 needs to be remembered. After Khobar Towers, the Cole, the Berlin disco bombing, the embassy bombings in Africa, and the 1993 attack on the WTC, this was the first time Americans actually fought back. Those people gave their lives to save many more. At the time their actions were probably primarily motivated by the fact that they wanted to get home to their families, but they knew they had to act or be led to slaughter. They really were heroes and deserve to be remembered.