She was kind enough to give us her Saturday so that I could concentrate on cleaning a "problem" room. It's a room where all of our homeless items end up. It becomes a de facto junk room. I want to reclaim half of it as my office since I've ordered a new computer (woo hoo!). Someday it will have a dining room table in it, but I'm not holding my breath. The good news is that the room is largely clean now.
Emma and Noni had a good time playing and I got stuff done, sounds like a great day. I took everyone to lunch for a treat. It was a nice lunch, other than the fact that I was seething because Emma's booster seat was already broken and we couldn't use the tray portion. I know those stupid-ass dogs knocked it on the floor yesterday but I didnt' realize they'd broken it. Did I mention I can never have anything nice? Thankfully when we got home Daddy and Noni were able to fix it. Since we've only been able to use it three times now I'm glad that it's not ruined. Thanks Noni and Daddy!