I read an article on Fox Health News today about something they called
compassion fatigue. They address different feelings people have had after Katrina and how they are dealing with them. It was pretty intense there for a while. I was absorbed in the coverage and did identify with those displaced families. I opened my wallet and gave what I could. Then I thought about giving again because of an overwhelming feeling to do more.
Now Rita is coming, and along with it the dread. I find myself hoping it will be a big psyche-out like most hurricanes are. That is the best that we can pray for because there are some very vulnerable areas in Rita's path. It is already down to a Category 3 from a Category 5; we can be thankful for that. But 3's are bad too. In all honesty this time I'd like to just pretend it's not happening and go about my routine; bury my head in the sand. Do you suppose I could get a prescription for that?