Sunday, September 04, 2005
I got to sleep late this morning. I didn't have to get up until 8:30 a.m. Mom got up with Emma but had to ran off to church. I fed Emma breakfast and put her down for her nap and got to steal another hour of rest. Woo hoo! Emma ended up sleeping from 9:40-12:30. She was a tired puppy after being up late two nights in a row.

I finally got to go to the book fair. At Wally World I took back the booster seat I was unhappy with. I had already purchased the one that Angie recommended and am very happy with it. At Costco I bought boring stuff. And I bought gas. $3.09. Blech.

We went out for an early supper and headed back over the mountains. As usual we had a fantastic time visiting Noni and Popi. They take such good care of us. Popi even sent us home with pumpkins from his garden. They're decorating our back porch now.