Thank you for the birthday wishes (Noni ;). I had to work today, so that put a cramp in my celebrations, but I had a good attitude about it. Noni & Popi called and sang Happy Birthday to me before I went to work. This morning I had a few email greetings and a couple of cards in the mail. DH brought me some flowers at work. Then he took me to dinner at the Inn. We had crap dip, salad, I had pasta primavera alfredo and toll house pie for dessert. Emma was a good girl for me at dinner too. Then we came home and did baby bath and I had to wash bottles (ugh) DH then gave me a card with a Benjamin or two. The man knows how to please his woman ;)
This weekend we're headed over to Noni & Popi's to celebrate with that side of the family. It will be a combination Emma & me party. PLUS...I finally get to go to the new Target and Old Navy. Woo hoo!