Monday, October 31, 2005
Looky! Looky!
Today I received one of the single most exciting things I've ever gotten in the mail. A fellow Billy Idol fan, who I met on the mommy board and who checks in here occasionally, sent this to me.

I cannot begin to convey how thrilled I was when I opened it (and still am!) Not only that, but her lovely daughter passed on to Emma the rockinest Billy Idol t-shirt. I just love it. It's a bit big for now, but Emma will grow into it. Meanwhile I'll be schooling her on the joys of Billy Idol and his music ;)

I cannot believe how nice these ladies were to reach out to us in the name of Billy Idol fandom. What they don't know is that I've been thinking about them a lot lately. As November 2 approaches Emma's t-shirt benefactor is getting ready for some important surgery. I've been thinking about that and wondering how she's doing and hoping that everything will go exactly as they hope it will. You all are so kind to be thinking of Emma and me. Please know that you'll be on my mind Wednesday and I'll be praying that everything goes well.

Allison and Hayley, Thank you so, so much for your gifts!