Saturday, October 15, 2005
Target sucks...then redeems itself
OK, so some of you know how excited I've been that Target and Old Navy were opening up in Nonitown. I had one thing I was looking for at Target, just one thing. I wanted the Robeez knock-offs in pink. Something that Emma can walk around easily in because she'll have good feel with the thin soles. So here we are, we've found them, except the 12-18 mo. shoes are montrously huge. So guess what? The 6-12 mo. are sold out. We try on the 0-6, they fit like a glove, but will only fit probably two more days. Soooo the one thing I was looking for was sold out. I might as well have been at Walmart. I ended up buying two other pairs of shoes, some Target Osh Kosh brand. Feh.

We explored the place and picked up a little bit here and a little bit there. Emma's nose has been running big time the last few days (effects of flu shot?) so we stopped by the pharmacy and Noni asked what the pharmacist recommended. Benadryl. She looked up the proper dose and then we headed back to the baby section to find a medicine dropper. No luck. Everything was big kits, no individual droppers. So back to the pharmacy to ask because they HAD to have one in the place. When Noni asked where to find one the pharmacist gave her one. So there. Now Target doesn't totally suck. OK, they did manage to suck $108 out of my wallet.