Saturday, October 15, 2005
Up, up, up the stairs
Emma is fascinated by stairs now. Up she goes, and then we carry her down. Up again, carry down, up, down, up, down. But you have to be right there, because she will try to come down herself. You know, step down. She has no clue how to come down the steps and probably won't for a long time.

But now in Noni's house she knows where the stairs are and how much fun they are. Unfortunately we spend most of our time upstairs, so it's a constant battle to keep her away from the top of the steps. And she gets maaaaaad when you block her way, screaming, raging mad. I think the problem was exascerbated by the fact that she took only one half-hour nap today, not the two naps for a combined 3-4 hours. Suffice it to say, bedtime was early.