Sunday, November 06, 2005
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat...
Yep, there, I said it. I'm looking forward to it as always. Christmas is a big deal in our family. When everyone gathers we end up with obscene piles of gifts and tons of good food. What's not to like? I love planning for it. Making lists, checking them twice. We have approximately 15 boxes of decorations in storage so decorating is a big deal. I'll be sure and take pictures of some of it for you. Despite my love for the holidays I do manage to restrain myself from jumping the gun on decorating. Inside decorating waits until after Thanksgiving is over and outside lights cannot be turned on until December 1. At this point planning consists mainly of making my Christmas card list and my shopping lists. We're also under pressure to come up with Christmas lists for other family members to shop from. It's hard to ignore the impending shopping season when catalogs are piling up everywhere and the junk email is all about holiday shopping already.

Thanksgiving is important too, it's the official kick-off to the holiday season. No matter where we're going, Thanksgiving almost always begins the same. We get up and lounge around waiting for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to begin. Then you'll find me in the kitchen making my broccoli casserole. It's the dish I always bring because I'm always asked to bring it. It's that good ;) Then we get dressed and it's off to Grandmother's house we go.