Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I may have a picture for DJ tomorrow
It's snowing. Unfortuately I had to drive through blizzard conditions to get to my meeting tonight. I hate driving in the snow. It's so nerve-wracking. I white-knuckle it the whole way. Every accident I've ever had has been in inclement weather. One winter I had two snow wrecks within a month. I pretty much refuse to drive over the mountains in the snow. I did it for my old job and I have had enough. My nerves are shot. M. has to drive me. Occasionally I'll get caught in it and be forced to drive. Then I'm coming down the mountain in second, or even first, gear. Fortunately my current job is eight miles away on flat land. I can handle that, even though it may take twice as long to get there. Anyway...tis the season. We'll see what it all looks like in daylight tomorrow.