Most of you know I have a love/hate relationship with our dogs. One dalmatian and one chocolate lab. Most of my misery is caused by the constant filth and them constantly being underfoot. Plus being obnoxious while Emma's eating. Plus the lab who drinks from the water bowl and then come finds me to blot his mouth dry on my pants. Anyway...I digress.
Today they ran off. Mind you today is the first day of hunting season for hunting deer with rifle. That means there are dangerous nuts in the woods everywhere with guns. I put the turds in the fenced in yard while I fed Emma (see above) and when I went to let them in they were gone. GREAT! So M. spends his entire lunch break from work tromping through the woods (where there are hunters waiting) looking for these punk-ass animals. The VA Tech vs. VA game was on and Tech was stomping ass so you can imagine he was thrilled to go looking for the dogs. Anyway, miracle of miracles, he found them. They'd only been gone three hours and it took an hour for him to find them. This happens to us about twice a year, every time there is a risk they'll be shot by hunters or by farmers, so it's not a small matter. We try very hard to keep them from getting away. I hate these muddy, smelly, gassy bastards snoozing away merrily on my floor.
While I'm at it let me tell you one more little thrill of hunting season. When hunter's kill their deer they usually "field dress" them. That means gutting them where they fell to keep from having to haul the weight of the guts out of the woods. Those lovely rotting gut piles will beckon a dog from miles away. The dog will go and have his fill. Then MY dogs will come home and barf it up on the living room rug. Nice, huh?
Oh, and the random deer legs or assorted parts found in the yard are a treat too.