Today was my last day of work until after Christmas. My brother and his family are coming home from Germany for the holidays. As a matter of fact they probably cleared customs about an hour ago. Emma and I will be headed to Noni and Popi's tomorrow and will be staying until Thursday evening or Friday morning. Then it's home for a day, and then back again for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.
Emma has three cousins who will be sharing Christmas morning with her. Two girls, 3 and 4, and a boy, 8. People ask me if Emma is "getting" Christmas this year. I tell them, no, I don't think so. She loves the trees, she's enjoying the music, but she doesn't know Santa from an old smelly hippy. But what she will get, sharing Christmas morning with her cousins, is the excitement of Christmas. Once the paper starts shredding she'll be totally with us.
I'm looking forward to a great holiday with family. (I will try and keep up the blogging, "try" being the operative word!)