It began at 6:20 a.m. That's when my nephew came in to wake us up. M. commented that it was good that nephew came to my side of the bed, because if M. had been there he would have strangled poor nephew and gone back to sleep.
So we got up. Everyone did the required hair brushing and teeth brushing. During that time I was able to get Emma up and feed her the morning bottle. Then the camera-women positioned ourselves downstairs. Finally the procession of expectant children began. Emma was first down the steps in her Daddy's arms, then the three cousins.
We took her straight to her pile. The first thing she grabbed was the bottle for her baby doll. Then the doll. Then she was interested in the big ball, then the books. We gave the kids plenty of time to explore their new toys.
We then moved to the other side of the room and began opening presents. I think it's no exaggeration to say that by opening one at a time it lasted two hours. And I did get to see everyone receive what I gave.
Sadly, my most overwhelming feeling all Christmas day was exhaustion. I was burnt out by five straight nights of crappy sleep and overstimulation. I certainly enjoyed my Christmas, but I wish I would have had the energy to show it more.
The stockings were passed out and everyone got to see what Santa brought them. About two pounds of candy for the HG family I'd say...
Santa must be in cahoots with the dentists.
After all the presents were opened and everyone was filled with the warm glow of pure consumer satisfaction, we started the organizing and clean up. M. and I had to start packing up stuff for transit right away. After a fine breakfast together we got dressed and loaded up the car, in the rain ;( Then we hit the road for MIL's.
Here we are making Noni cry. She is looking through the Memory Book of Emma's first year that we gave her. Noni is so sentimental, it's easy to make her cry. lol (We love ya Noni!)