I had to come home to regroup. We're headed back over the mountains tomorrow for Christmas Eve at my parents. I've been cleaning my house, doing laundry and finishing up the last of the wrapping of presents.
I just discovered that our washing machine is leaking. Unfortunately the last load of laundry was the bleach load and I think it leaked into the dark pile of clothes on the floor that was waiting to go. I'm pretty sure my favorite pair of Emma's black pants were ruined. I'll know for sure when they come out of the dryer. It sucks because I had decided that she was going to wear those Christmas day. I guess you can file that one under "it figures."
UPDATE: Yep, they're completely ruined. I'm heartbroken. I had the perfect Christmas day outfit in my mind and now she can't wear it. And another outfit has to be pulled from rotation for lack of black pants. That totally sucks. They were those Target Circo pants that I love so much because they look so cute on her. Dammit!