You’ll all be thanking me that I’ve never mentioned this on the blog before. Back when I used to keep a journal, during my high school and college years, the struggle with my weight seemed to be the prevailing theme in my life. I still struggle with it, but I’m more at peace than I used to be. I used to zoom above 200 lbs every couple of years and stay there for a while. Over 250 even. It’s a huge accomplishment for me that during the last year I’ve maintained a weight within a 15 lb. range. I zoom up and down that range, but I’ve never come close to approaching 200 lbs. Yay!
The point of this post is to tell you that I gained weight over the holidays. With full intent and malice aforethought. I lost some before the holidays so I’d have room to grow (in my pants). Well that room is full now. So today I go back to doing Weight Watchers. I’ll be in it for the long haul; or until my trip to Germany in April. After that we’ll see what happens.
Proof that I’m not bullshitting you:
click here.